What is Microsoft Azure and is it right for your business?

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Microsoft Azure is one of the most popular and successful cloud computing platforms on the market. Azure technology enables businesses to run some or all of their computing operations virtually. It also provides over 200 additional Microsoft products and services, that can be easily accessed via the internet. 

Azure is, in its simplest form, a data centre in the cloud. More and more businesses are choosing to opt out of physical and on-premises data centres, which can take up huge amounts of space. They also lack flexibility when it comes to scaling. 

An on-site data centre is likely to consist of a multitude of hardware – from print servers to file servers, domain controllers and more. The larger a company grows, the more servers are required and the more space needed, which presents problems. 

At some point in the near future, every company that utilises information technology as part of their business operations, will need to have a presence on a platform such as Azure. It’s only going to become more important. 

So, in this blog piece, we explore Microsoft Azure in greater detail and also look at the multiple benefits it may offer your business. All you need is an active internet connection and you’re on your way. Could this be the new storage platform for your business? 

What should you know about Microsoft Azure?

What else does Microsoft Azure offer?

Alongside a host of cloud services, Azure also provides a vast range of other services, from AI, to logic apps, API management and much more. These are all able to be integrated with on-premises systems, for those seeking a more hybrid approach. 

“The Azure cloud platform is more than 200 products and cloud services designed to help you bring new solutions to life – to solve today’s challenges and create the future. Build, run, and manage applications across multiple clouds, on-premises, and at the edge, with the tools and frameworks of your choice.” Microsoft

You can check out the full list of services here . We’ll take a closer look at some of these in future blog posts too. 

So, is Microsoft Azure the right fit for your business – what are the benefits?

  • Cost: reduce your footprint and reduce your bill. Azure removes the cost and space implications of expensive, physical data centres. There is no need to worry about expensive hardware refreshes in the future. With no upfront cost, you only pay for what you use. 
  • Scalability and flexibility: make your data centre as powerful or as simple as you need, add as much memory as you want, increase and decrease storage. You add the relevant services as your company grows. 
  • Coverage: store your data in different locations around the world to suit your business needs. Microsoft has taken over hundreds of thousands of data centres across the globe, allowing businesses to connect from offices anywhere.
  • Monitoring: the Azure Cloud Monitoring Service will automate those ongoing, time-consuming, and error-prone cloud management tasks for you.
  • Security: security and privacy are cornerstones of the Azure technology. Microsoft adheres to the most extensive set of compliance offerings of any cloud service provider. 
  • Integration:  Azure offers seamless integration with other Microsoft services, such as Endpoint Manager, as well as non-Microsoft products.

Microsoft Azure is a great solution for many small to mid-sized operations, looking to both expand and future-proof their businesses. It removes any limitations to fast growth and opens up an abundance of cutting-edge technology to support expansion. There is a lot to love about it. 

Stadia is a proud partner of Microsoft Azure, having satisfied all the requirements for demonstrating and validating the technical capabilities in the Microsoft Partner Network program.

W e can help with the planning, design, documentation and transition to Microsoft Azure. We’ll create the necessary frameworks for you to safely land your data, and provide support packages to ensure a seamless transition and smooth ongoing operations. 

Are you ready to migrate from on-premises to M365/Azure? We can help.   Contact us on (0)207 0399 266 or  info@stadiacg.co.uk to find out how.

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Maybe. Migrating applications and infrastructure to the cloud offers several benefits that can positively impact organisations in various ways. Stadia has enjoyed bringing the benefits of cloud computing to many of our clients. It isn't necessarily for everyone, but if you haven't migrated some or all of your applications/infrastructure to the cloud, are you missing out? Let's take a look at the various aspects, starting with some of the key benefits: Cost Efficiency: Buying, maintaining, and refreshing your own hardware can be costly. Cloud computing often reduces capital expenditure on physical hardware and datacentres. You pay for resources as you use them, which can lead to cost savings, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. Scalability: Cloud services allow for easy scaling of resources up or down based on demand. This elasticity ensures that your applications can handle sudden spikes in traffic or growth without the need for significant upfront investment in hardware. Automatic Updates: Keen to see the back of those out-of-hours patching rotas? Cloud providers handle hardware and software updates, including security patches and upgrades, reducing the maintenance burden on your IT staff. Flexibility and Agility: Cloud platforms provide a wide range of services and tools that enable rapid development and deployment of applications. This agility allows organisations to respond quickly to changing market conditions and customer needs. Global Reach: Cloud providers have datacentres in multiple regions worldwide. This global presence allows you to deploy applications closer to your users, reducing latency and improving performance for a global customer base. Security: Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures, often surpassing what individual organisations can achieve. They offer features like encryption, identity and access management, and compliance certifications to help protect your data and applications. Reliability and High Availability: Cloud providers offer robust service-level agreements (SLAs) that guarantee high uptime and availability. Redundancy and failover capabilities are built into their infrastructure to minimise downtime. Disaster Recovery: Cloud services make it easier to implement disaster recovery and backup solutions. You can replicate your data and applications across multiple regions or datacentres, ensuring business continuity in case of disasters. Collaboration and Mobility: Cloud-based applications and services can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This promotes remote work and collaboration among geographically dispersed teams.
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